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Article: The Essential Guide to Cooking Oils: Are They All The Same?

The Essential Guide to Cooking Oils: Are They All The Same?
cooking oils

The Essential Guide to Cooking Oils: Are They All The Same?

How much thought do you put into choosing cooking oils? Olive oil is healthy, we know that much, but is it the best universal oil? Turns out, the answer is no- especially if you’re going to be preparing food at higher temperatures.

Does temperature matter? Yes it does. In This blog post, we take a look at this important and underserved topic, helping you better understand the best applications of each type of oil for your benefit.

What Are Cooking Oils?

Cooking oils are fats that often remain liquid at room temperature, crucial for both the culinary experience and your daily nutrition. In your kitchen, they're indispensable for their roles in enhancing flavor, improving texture, and ensuring even cooking. 

different types of cooking oils

Derived from a variety of sources like seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables, each type of oil — whether it's olive, canola, or coconut — brings its own unique flavor profile, smoke point, and nutritional content to the table.

But what's the real deal with these oils? They're concentrated sources of fats, which are essential for your health. Fats, one of the three key macronutrients alongside proteins and carbohydrates, are essential for bodily functions. For people that are focused on overall nutrition, cooking oils tend to be one area that are overlooked.

But make no mistake, these oils play a significant role in your diet.

In terms of nutrition, fats from cooking oils are crucial for several reasons. They provide essential fatty acids that your body can't produce independently, supporting brain health and assisting with inflammation control (given that you choose the right oil).

Fats also facilitate the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, and K, ensuring you reap the full benefits of a nutrient-rich diet. Beyond nutrition, fats are a dense source of energy, offering sustained fuel and aiding in satiety after meals.

Flavor is another area where fats are unique. They have the unique ability to carry and enhance flavors, making your food not just more nutritious but also more enjoyable. 

But there’s much more to these seemingly simple oils. 

Factors To Consider When Choosing An Oil

Smoke Point

The smoke point of an oil is the temperature at which it begins to smoke and degrade, marking the start of both flavor and nutritional breakdown. Understanding the smoke point is crucial because it determines the suitability of an oil for various cooking methods. 

Oils with high smoke points, like avocado and refined peanut oil, are ideal for high-heat cooking methods such as frying and sautéing. In contrast, oils with lower smoke points, such as extra virgin olive oil, are better suited for low-heat cooking, dressings, and drizzling. 

Using an oil beyond its smoke point can lead to unpleasant flavors and the release of harmful compounds, underscoring the importance of matching the oil to the cooking method to ensure both safety and quality.

Flavor Profile

The flavor of cooking oils can significantly influence the taste of a dish. Oils can have a neutral taste, like canola or grapeseed oil, making them versatile for various culinary needs without overpowering other ingredients. On the other hand, oils like extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil, and coconut oil offer distinct flavors that can enhance the profile of a dish. 

The choice of oil can be a deliberate decision to either highlight other ingredients or to bring its own character to the meal, turning the oil into a key flavor component rather than just a cooking medium.

Nutritional Content

Cooking oils are not just about their taste and cooking properties; their nutritional content is equally important. They are a primary dietary source of essential fatty acids, which are crucial for health. 

Additionally, different oils contain varying levels of vitamins like Vitamin E and K, and antioxidants that can contribute to reducing inflammation and protecting against heart disease.

For instance, olive oil is renowned for its monounsaturated fats and polyphenols, while flaxseed oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Understanding the nutritional content helps in making informed choices that align with your health goals and dietary needs.

Fatty Acid Profile

The fatty acid profile of an oil — its balance of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats — is a key factor in its impact on heart health and stability. Saturated fats, found in higher proportions in coconut and palm oil, are generally more stable but have been associated with higher cholesterol levels. 

olive oil in bottle

Unsaturated fats, predominant in oils like olive and canola, are considered heart-healthy but are more prone to oxidation and rancidity. This balance not only affects the oil's health implications but also its shelf life and how it reacts to heat, making it a crucial consideration.


An oil’s Stability refers to how well it maintains its quality and nutritional integrity when stored and heated. Factors affecting stability include the oil's fatty acid composition, purity, and processing method. 

Oils high in saturated fats or processed to remove impurities typically have a longer shelf life and greater heat tolerance. In contrast, unrefined oils with high levels of unsaturated fats are more nutritious but also more susceptible to oxidation and rancidity, especially if improperly stored. 

Selecting an oil with appropriate stability for its intended use and storage conditions is vital to preserving both its health qualities and culinary attributes.

Price and Availability

The cost and ease of sourcing cooking oils can influence your choice. Prices vary widely based on factors such as the oil's origin, production method, and brand. While it's tempting to opt for the cheapest option, it's important to consider the oil's source, quality, and health benefits.

price of cooking oils

Additionally, availability might vary based on geographical location and market trends. Some exotic or specialty oils might be harder to find and more expensive, whereas others like olive and vegetable oils are widely available and affordably priced. Balancing cost with quality, health benefits, and culinary needs is key to choosing the right oil within one's budget and local availability.

Extraction Methods:Choosing Cold-Pressed Vs. Refined Oils

Extraction methods significantly influence the quality, flavor, and nutritional profile of cooking oils. The two primary methods are cold pressing and refining, each with distinct characteristics and implications for the oil produced.

Cold-Pressed Oils

Cold pressing is a mechanical extraction method where oil is pressed out of the oilseeds or nuts at a temperature typically below 120°F (49°C). This process involves grinding the seeds or nuts into a paste, and then pressing them to extract the oil. The "cold" aspect is crucial; higher temperatures can degrade the oil's flavor, nutritional value, and color. 

Cold-pressed oils retain most of their natural aroma, flavor, and nutritional content, including antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids. This method doesn't use chemicals or excessive heat, which helps preserve the oil's natural properties.

The advantage of cold-pressed oils is their superior quality in terms of flavor and nutrition. They are often considered more natural and healthier compared to refined oils. However, they typically have a shorter shelf life due to the presence of impurities and organic matter that can lead to quicker rancidity. Cold-pressed oils also tend to have lower smoke points, making them more suitable for dressings, dips, and low-heat cooking.

Refined Oils

Refining is a more complex process involving several steps: degumming, neutralizing, bleaching, and deodorizing. The primary goal is to remove impurities, free fatty acids, and other unwanted components, resulting in a cleaner, more neutral oil. 

The process typically involves high temperatures and chemical agents, which can strip away some of the oil's natural flavors, colors, and nutritional components, such as vitamins and antioxidants.

canola oil

Refined oils have a higher smoke point, making them more versatile for various cooking methods, especially high-heat techniques like frying and sautéing. They also have a longer shelf life and a more neutral taste, which might be preferable in dishes where a strong oil flavor isn't desired. However, the refining process can reduce the oil's nutritional profile, particularly the loss of beneficial compounds found in unrefined oils.

Impact on Quality and Nutrition

The extraction method plays a critical role in determining an oil's culinary applications, health benefits, and shelf life. Cold-pressed oils, while nutritionally superior, are best used in applications that require lower heat and where their distinct flavors can shine. 

Refined oils, on the other hand, are more durable and versatile for high-heat cooking but come with a trade-off in terms of nutritional content and complexity of flavor.

When choosing between cold-pressed and refined oils, consider the intended use, the desired flavor profile, and the nutritional benefits you're seeking. Both types have their place in the kitchen, and understanding their differences can help you make more informed choices about which oil is best for your specific cooking needs and health preferences.

Common Cooking Oils

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a staple in Mediterranean diets, renowned for its health benefits and diverse culinary uses. The three main types are:

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO): The highest quality and most flavorful, made from the first cold pressing of olives. It has a lower smoke point and is best used in dressings, dips, and for finishing dishes.
  • Virgin Olive Oil: Slightly lower quality than EVOO but still offers good flavor. Suitable for low to medium-heat cooking.
  • Light or Refined Olive Oil: Treated to neutralize flavor and increase smoke point. It's more versatile for high-heat cooking but lacks some of the nutritional benefits of its unrefined counterparts.

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, particularly oleic acid, which is known for heart health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and potentially lowering the risk of heart disease. It's also packed with antioxidants like polyphenols, which have various health benefits.

Coconut Oil

coconut oil

Coconut oil has become popular for its unique flavor and health benefits. It comes in two main types:

  • Refined Coconut Oil: Neutral flavor and higher smoke point, suitable for baking and frying.
  • Unrefined (Virgin) Coconut Oil: Strong coconut flavor and lower smoke point, ideal for medium-heat cooking and adding flavor to dishes.

Coconut oil is high in saturated fats, which have been controversial regarding heart health. Some studies suggest that the specific types of saturated fats, the medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil may not have the same negative effects as other saturated fats, but moderation is still advised.

Canola Oil

Canola oil is known for its neutral taste and versatility. It has a high smoke point, making it suitable for frying, baking, and all-purpose cooking. From a health standpoint, canola oil is low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fats. 

It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory properties. However, the processing involved in refining canola oil has raised some concerns about the presence of trans fats and other compounds, so it's worth looking for cold-pressed or minimally processed varieties.

Other Oils

  • Avocado Oil: High in monounsaturated fats and with a very high smoke point, avocado oil is ideal for frying and grilling. It's also rich in vitamins E and K and has been linked to improved heart health.
  • Sesame Oil: Known for its nutty flavor, sesame oil is a staple in Asian cuisine. It's high in polyunsaturated fats and antioxidants, with a medium smoke point, making it suitable for low to medium-heat cooking. Sesame oil has been associated with health benefits like reduced inflammation and improved heart health.
  • Peanut Oil: With a high smoke point and a slightly nutty flavor, peanut oil is excellent for frying and sautéing. It's high in monounsaturated fats and has been used to lower bad cholesterol levels.
  • Grapeseed Oil: A byproduct of winemaking, grapeseed oil has a high smoke point and a mild flavor, making it versatile for cooking and dressings. It's high in polyunsaturated fats and vitamin E, though it's also relatively high in omega-6 fatty acids, which should be consumed in balance with omega-3s for optimal health.


stick of butter with knife

Though not an oil by definition, butter is a common fat used in cooking and baking. Made from churned cream, it's rich in saturated fats and adds a creamy, rich flavor to dishes. 

Butter is ideal for baking, sautéing, and as a base for sauces. However, it has a lower smoke point compared to many oils, making it less suitable for high-heat cooking. From a health perspective, while butter provides some vitamins like A and E, its high saturated fat content has been linked to higher cholesterol levels, so it's best used in moderation.

Storage Of Oils

Proper storage and understanding the shelf life of cooking oils are crucial to maintaining their quality, flavor, and nutritional value. Over time, exposure to air, light, and heat can cause oils to degrade, leading to rancidity and the development of off-flavors and potentially harmful compounds. 

Best Practices to Preserve Quality

  • Keep it Cool: Store oils in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. A kitchen cupboard away from the stove or a pantry is ideal. Excessive heat can accelerate the oxidation process, leading to rancidity.
  • Tight Sealing: Ensure that oil containers are tightly sealed when not in use. Oxygen is a primary culprit in the oxidation process, so limiting its exposure helps maintain oil quality.
  • Use the Right Container: Dark, tinted glass bottles or tins are preferable for oil storage as they help block light, which can degrade the oil. If your oil comes in a clear bottle, consider transferring it to a darker container or storing it in a cupboard.
  • Buy in Appropriate Quantities: Purchase oil amounts that you will use within its expected shelf life. This prevents having to store the oil for too long, reducing the likelihood of it going bad before you can use it.
  • Refrigeration: Some oils, particularly those high in polyunsaturated fats like flaxseed or fish oil, benefit from refrigeration to extend their shelf life. However, note that refrigeration can cause some oils to become cloudy. This is generally harmless and will resolve once the oil returns to room temperature.

Signs That Oil Has Gone Bad

  • Off-Smell: One of the first signs of rancid oil is an unpleasant smell. Instead of the fresh, characteristic aroma, the oil may smell musty, stale, or like putty.
  • Altered Taste: If the oil tastes bitter, metallic, or is just off in any way, it's likely gone bad. It's always a good idea to taste a small amount if you're unsure about its quality.
  • Changed Appearance: While some oils naturally appear cloudy at lower temperatures, any sudden or unusual changes in color or consistency can indicate spoilage.
  • Thickening or Cloudiness: Over time, oils may thicken or become cloudy as they degrade, especially if they've been exposed to too much air or light.

Remember, using rancid oil isn't just a culinary concern; it can also pose health risks due to the potential formation of harmful compounds. Regularly checking your oils, storing them properly, and being mindful of their shelf life will help ensure that you're using them at their best — both for your health and your taste buds.

Always be sure to balance out the consumption of fats by including lots of fiber-rich foods, including Field of Greens if you struggle to get enough plant based nutrition.

Final Words

You will notice the exception of soya bean oil, which, while still very popular, is rife with potential issues related to consumption and better to be avoided altogether. 

The oils from the list above are all ok for consumption in moderation since they still yield a massive 9 calories per gram when consumed. However, the importance of dietary fats cannot be overlooked, and it largely comes down to moderation. 

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